Highway 2 and 102 | Pedestrian Safety & Functional Design

The Recommended Plan

Intermediate Term

Pedestrian Safety

Pedestrian Safety

  • Build non-illuminated, gravel pathway east of the highway from Brown Street to Boardman Street.
  • Connect the pathway to highway cross walks.
Example of a non-illuminated paved Multi-use pedestrian pathway beside a gravel pathway
Example of a non-illuminated paved Multi-use pedestrian pathway beside a gravel pathway
Example of a non-illuminated gravel pathway
Example of a non-illuminated gravel pathway


  • Rebuild existing bridge once the east bridge is open to traffic.
  • Widen Highway 2 to four lanes from north of Jimmy Roberts Road to north of Bigstone/Frances Roberts Street. The widened highway includes shoulders, sidewalks, curbs, and gutters.
  • Pave and widen key intersecting streets from Fairchild Street to Bigstone / Francis Roberts Street.
Intermediate Term – Rebuilding of Existing Bridge to the West
Traffic Operations

Traffic Operations

  • Re-align Bigstone Road/Frances Roberts Street to safe intersection angles.
  • Install traffic signals at Bigstone Street
  • Paint lines, arrows, crosswalks and stop lines on all key intersecting streets.


  • Keep existing commercial driveways between Fairchild and Bigstone Streets.
  • Remove residential driveways
  • Re-route access to service roads and major intersections outside this area. Build a new service road from Frances Roberts Street to north of the Montreal River and notify homeowners that access will be diverted to a new service road.
  • Bring direct access to Highway 2/102 up to Highways' standard (remove second driveways, combine close driveways, standardize widths and spacing).
  • Each land owner recommended for removal of access can apply to Ministry for direct access.
  • Install a new intersection to align with the unnamed street leading to the marina.

Learn more about the Ministry’s process for land purchase: Publication Centre (saskatchewan.ca)

Proposed-Improvement-Options 1

Miscellaneous Improvements

  • Install streetlights from north of Jimmy Roberts Road to north of Bigstone Road/Frances Roberts Street.

Read about other recommended improvements: